Friday, 27 September 2024
Meet the Characters // Hahmoesittelyt osa yksi
Wednesday, 11 September 2024
Riimuin kirotun ensimmäinen osa on julkaistu
Mikä sen helpompi tapa tienata pulska pussillinen kultaa kuin lorvia pari kuidenkiertoa kuninkaan hovissa, vartioiden prinsessaa! Niinhän Toren Eddesen, rauhaarakastava soturi ja vannoutunut poikamies, luulee ja astuu Giranian kuninkaan palvelukseen. Nopeasti käy ilmi, ettei hän olisi voinut erehtyä pahemmin.
Jos tavallinen sotamies tahtoo mainetta ja kunniaa, hän ilmoittautuu vapaaehtoiseksi Kuningaskunnissa riehuvaan sotaan. Näin tekee myös Arron Grethsen, hurmaava jousimies Nummenpohjasta, huolimatta vanhan näkijän varoituksista. Tummasilmäiseen muukalaiseen törmääminen mullistaa hänen elämänsä, mutta kuka saakaan harteilleen sankarin viitan?
Mitä tekee prinsessa, jonka nuori aviomies on kykenemätön saattamaan häntä raskaaksi ja toimeen määrätään vastenmielinen sukulaismies? Pureeko hän hammasta ajatellen Kamarikaartinsa komeaa, nuorta ritaria, kunnes velvollisuus on täytetty? Mitä vielä, jos kysytään leidi Irana Rofinnarilta, joka ei epäröi riskeerata jopa Kuningaskuntien tulevaisuutta voidakseen päättää itse elämästään.
Kirja vie lukijan Murtuneelle mantereelle, missä ihmisestä voi tulla jumala, oikeat sankarit ovat vain säkeitä lauluissa, lohikäärmeet pelkkä myytti ja vahvat, itsenäiset naiset tekevät epäsovinnaisia valintoja. Älä ujostele, nouse sotaratsusi selkään ja seuraa tunteellisia sotureita sekä omapäisiä prinsessoja heidän mutkaisella tiellään halki Braenduirin! Onnistuvatko he murtamaan kahleensa vai onko heidän seurattava muiden heille valmiiksi viitoittamia polkuja?
Huomioithan, että sarja ei sovellu alle 16-vuotiaille lukijoille ja kirjat sisältävät kohtauksia, jotka saattavat järkyttää myös herkimpiä aikuisia.
Tuesday, 10 September 2024
Short Book Reviews: Among the Pines by Matt Anderson
If the last book I reviewed wasn't my pint of mead, this one definitely is. I read Among the Pines as an E-book and loved it from the first word to the last. Among the Pines is a collection of horror fantasy short stories by Matt Anderson, a US indie author, and it's hands down one of the best books I've read.
This might well become the shortest of my Short Book Reviews because I really don't have anything but praise to say about this work. The language is in its own league, bringing the stories to life with haunting precision and captivating richness. One rarely finds a match for it even among traditionally published books, let alone popular ones.
The author finds his inspiration in folklore, mythology, nature, and science and weaves them into a tapestry that captures you from the first thread and haunts you long after you turn your gaze away. The stories are like pictures painted with the brightest, yet darkest colours, paintings that morph from seemingly innocent scenes to nightmarish visions of chilling peculiarity. Among the Pines is one of those books that make picking up your next read insanely difficult because nothing seems good enough in comparison.
If this isn't enough to convince you that you should give this one a chance, feel free to check the review I left on Goodreads just after I finished it.
If one must name a weakness in this work, it's the cover. Even if I didn't choose a book by its cover, many others do, and those people are likely to skip Among the Pines -to their own loss. Don't be one of them and get the book to see for yourself whether my verdict is fair or not.
Monday, 9 September 2024
Giving a Much-Hyped Book a Go
Everyone was rambling about ACOTAR, so I decided to determine whether it's worth the fuss. Turned out, it isn't. Had I chosen to read the book instead of listening to it, I would've given up on it after the first couple of chapters. Even listening to it until the end was a challenge.
Why? Because the plot is tedious and predictable. And that's all I've got to say about it.
The development of the main character made me want to tear my hair off. In the first chapters, she seems like my type of female character, strong, independent... All in all a girl who goes her own way. Soon enough she shrinks into a typical female lead of a romantic story, becoming but a groupie for the male lead. The book doesn't offer an explanation for why she loses herself like that. Is it because of sheer love, or does Tamlin put her under a spell? If it's the latter, her trajectory would be acceptable.
I could rant on and on about how disappointed I was in this book, but I believe, I've made my point already. It's not for me, and wasting time reading the sequels hasn't even crossed my mind. However, this is only my personal opinion, and I do encourage everyone to form their own by reading the book themselves, instead of taking my word for that one could figure out many a less frustrating way to spend their time.