Showing posts with label fantasy books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fantasy books. Show all posts

Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Short Book Reviews: The Kingkiller Chronicle Books 1 and 2 by Patrick Rothfuss

The Kingkiller Chronicle is a planned trilogy by an American author Patrick Rothfuss whose independent work The Slow Regard of Silent Things is one of my favourite fantasy books. As the third book is still pending, I suppose I should review the two existing ones individually but as it's also likely the trilogy will never be completed, and I don't really have that much to say about The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man's Fear, I decided to bundle them together.

The Kingkiller Chronicle is about Kvothe, a famous musician and adventurer who has retired to a desolate village where no one knows him to work as an innkeeper. The perspective shifts between the third and the first person. The "present-day" parts are told in the third person whereas Kvothe's legend which he rehearses to the Chronicler, is in the first person.

I listened to The Name of the Wind and The Wise Man's Fear as audiobooks, and a good thing that I did for I don't think I could've finished even the first book had I chosen to read it. I'm not saying TNOTW and TWMF are bad books -well, The Wise Man's Fear is partially, if not bad, at least highly frustrating- but they are slow-paced to the point of tediousness. Also, the MC has too many similarities with Harry Potter (loses his family, enters a school of magic, makes an enemy of a well-off fellow student and so on) to make me take him seriously.

Yet, I kind of enjoyed The Name of the Wind. It hooked me with its deep insight into humanity. I might've loved it if the set-up was different and the story-telling a little faster-paced. The Wise Man's Fear, however... I still can't figure out why I finished listening to it. Mainly because I had paid for it and didn't have anything more intriguing on my TBR list at the moment, I suppose. 

In the second book, Kvothe becomes even more burdensome a character than he is in TNOTW, making me suspect his fame is largely a soap bubble. His stubborn devotion to his flimsy school-time sweetheart Denna made me want to hit something, and the elongated description of his visit to the fairyland would work better an an independent publication. In the end, Bast, Kvothe's non-human servant/friend became my favourite character of whom I would've loved to learn more.

The Kingkiller Chronicle is one of the fantasy series whose popularity and high overall rating remain a mystery to me. I would give The Name of the Wind three stars out of five, and The Wise Man's Fear not even that many. However, you don't need to take my word for it. Read or listen to the books for yourself and form your opinion based on them.

(Also, I am willing to admit that my opinion might change if the third book was published. It could yet salvage the series.)

Saturday, 16 November 2024

The Heirs of Duty Advent calendar

This autumn has been gruesome, to put it mildly, and I have a hunch, it hasn't been that only for me. So, to cheer people up, I've decided to publish The Heirs of Duty as an Advent calendar.

One to three chapters a day will appear on my website (a Wordpress site) where you can read them for FREE without an obligation to sign up or subscribe for anything. The calendar opens on the 1st of December, the last chapter will become readable on Christmas Day, and the files will disappear on the 31st of December.

A pretty fair deal, eh? You get to read a book without needing to give anything in return. Merry Xmas in advance!

Thursday, 14 November 2024

Meet the Characters

Arron Grethsen, a soldier of Her Majesty's Army, is the main character of Braenduir Chronicles. He was raised by an independent mother and chose the military career because it is an easy option for a youth who doesn't know what to do with his life.

Arron's kind and sociable nature has made him popular in and outside the garrison but unlike many other young men his age, he is yet to encounter his significant other. He isn't in a rush to find a relationship and when he meets a reserved warrior mage, Jan Cattilsen in his favourite tavern, he cannot guess he's found more than a new friend.

Though Arron joined the army largely because Aenerhjelm going to war is unlikely, he volunteers for the battles in the Westerner kingdoms, sharing the road to the front with Jan whose interest in the peculiar birthmark on his chest should pique his curiosity. Yet, Arron ignores the strange token implanted under his skin just as he always has, clinging to the conception that there's nothing extraordinary about him.

Wednesday, 30 October 2024

Meet the Characters // Hahmoesittelyt

Tiemderech, known as Tim, is one of the significant characters of Braenduir Chronicles. He is a slave in the court of Girania until Toren Eddesen liberates him. In The Heirs of Duty, he is a minor character but he becomes more visible as the story progresses.

Tim has been in Octower so long that he barely remembers his motherland, Willowshill. Due to his experiences during slavery, he is a timid fellow and trusting strangers isn't easy for him. Yet, he puts his faith in the Hjelmen mercenary, wishing he would be the way out of the palace.

Once Tim finds his way to the stables, he wouldn't want to spend his time elsewhere. Horses turn out to be better than people in so many ways, especially Toren's magnificent destrier Dathreir.

Tim is one of the characters of Braenduir Chronicles who has more in them than it seems at first sight. A former slave who becomes a punctilious groom we meet in the first book has the potential to grow into pretty much anything.

Tiemderech, joka tunnetaan paremmin nimellä Tim, on yksi Jumalrummun tärkeimmistä hahmoista. Hän on orja Giranian hovissa, kunnes Toren Eddesen vapauttaa hänet. Riimuin kirotussa hänellä on vain pieni sivurooli, mutta hänen osansa kasvaa merkittävämmäksi tarinan edetessä.

Tim on ollut Kastornessa niin kauan, että hän tuskin muistaa synnyinmaataan Pajusmäkeä. Asiat, jotka hän on kokenut orjuudessa, ovat muokanneet hänestä varovaisen uusien ihmisten suhteen, mutta hän uskaltautuu luottamaan palkkasoturiin, jonka toivoo olevan tie pois palatsista.

Sen jälkeen, kun Tim pääsee ensi kertaa talleille, hän ei tahtoisi olla sieltä lainkaan pois. Hevoset, Torenin upea sotaratsu Dathreir erityisesti, ovat niin monessa suhteessa ihmisiä parempaa seuraa.

Tim on yksi niistä Jumalrummun hahmoista, joista löytyy useampia tasoja kuin äkkiseltään vaikuttaa. Ensimmäisessä kirjassa esiintyvällä entisellä orjalla, josta sukeutuu mitä taitavin tallirenki, on edellytykset kehittyä melkeinpä mihin tahansa suuntaan.

Wednesday, 23 October 2024

A Free Reviewer Copy Available

My posts are short, irregular, and jump from one subject to another like drunken grasshoppers, so it shouldn't surprise anyone that instead of a review or a character presentation, I'm advertising my book today. Not sure whether this could be called an ad, though, for I'm not asking anyone to buy The Heirs of Duty; I'm offering it for free. Alas, there's a catch. It's only available through Indie Story Geek.

So, if you are a verified book blogger on ISG and would like to read and maybe review my debut, it's possible now. The Heirs of Duty, the first book of Braenduir Chronicles, is a character-based, multi-POV,  epic adventure fantasy story for adults. 

At this point, I should add that it's a magnificent book you must read, but because I am so honest it's comparable to idiocy, I state that it divides opinions. The book has both five and one-star reviews on LibraryThing and Goodreads. Though in its defence, I must point out that the person who gave it one star isn't offering any explanation for their verdict. As an author, I find that quite frustrating. A bad rating doesn't bother me, I am well aware that my book isn't everyone's cup of tea, but I yearn for constructive feedback because I can't become better if I don't know what I'm doing wrong. So, as a humble request to anyone who reads The Heirs of Duty; if you decide on rating it, please, include a few words of explanation. If you have time to read a book of around 150,000 words, you can spare a couple of minutes to give a reason why you liked/disliked it.

In case fellow authors happen to read this post, I'd like to point out that for a writer like myself who doesn't have a vast social network in which to find reviewers, LibraryThing's Early Reviewer program is the surest way to get your book read and reviewed for free. I regret I can't make my book available there anymore as I already offered it as a giveaway twice under the original title (and I don't want to cheat by offering it again under the new name). 

Have I rambled enough for what was intended as a short announcement? I suppose, so without further ado, have a lovely rest of the week and thank you to everyone who so much as puts The Heirs of Duty on their TBR-list.

Thursday, 3 October 2024

Meet the Characters Part Three // Hahmoesittelyt osa kolme

 Toren Eddesen, a mercenary from the northern queendom of Aenerhjelm, is one of the main characters of The Heirs of Duty. Though he is a sellsword, he always tries to solve problems without violence, drawing his blade only when he has no other choice. Still, he is a fierce fighter and one of the most celebrated warriors of the Sons of Stryader, the mercenary brotherhood he belongs to. He is also famous for his countless adventures outside the battlefields, often including a damsel in distress.

Despite his having lost his eye on one of his campaigns in the Principalities, Toren is popular among the opposite sex and a tad too eager for his own best interest to charm his way under their skirts. He is an honourable man in general, a man who has never broken a promise, but when it comes to women he turns out to be quite the rascal. With no intention ever to commit to a long-term relationship, he has broken countless hearts and supposedly sired a smallish army of bastards. All in all, Toren is a contradictory character: on the other hand a man of a staunch sense of honour, on the other as irresponsible as anyone can get.

In The Heirs of Duty, he becomes Princess Miona's bodyguard though his purpose in coming to Conqueror's Cape was to find his brother, Adan. When he runs out of cash, he has no choice but to get a job and the royal announcement promising twenty pieces in gold for a task that seems like a joyride to a seasoned mercenary is impossible to disregard. 

Toren Eddesen, pohjoisesta kuningatarkunta Aenerhjelmistä kotoisin oleva palkkasoturi, on yksi Riimuin kirotun päähenkilöistä. Vaikka palkkamiekka onkin, hän pyrkii ratkaisemaan ongelmat ensisijaisesti puhumalla ja tarttuu miekkaansa vasta, kun muuta vaihtoehtoa ei ole. Siitä huolimatta hän on peto taistelukentillä ja yksi Stryaderin poikien, palkkasoturiveljeskuntansa, tunnetuimmista sotureista. Hän on niittänyt mainetta myös taistelukenttien ulkopuolella, jolloin hänen seikkailunsa useimmiten liittyvät tavalla tai toisella neitojen pelastamiseen pulasta. 

Vaikka hän on menettänyt silmänsä eräällä Ruhtinaskuntiin suuntautuneella sotaretkellään, Toren on suosittu vastakkaisen sukupuolen keskuudessa ja hitusen liian innokas hurmaamaan tiensä heidän hameidensa alle. Hän on yleisesti ottaen kunniallinen mies, joka ei ole koskaan pettänyt antamaansa lupausta, mutta naisten suhteen hän on osoittautunut melkoiseksi vekkuliksi. Vailla aikamustakaan sitoutua pitkään suhteeseen, hän on särkenyt lukemattomia sydämiä ja olletinkin siittänyt komppanian isättömiä lapsia. Kaiken kaikkiaan, Toren on varsin ristiriitainen hahmo, yhtäältä vankkumattoman kunniantuntoinen, toisaalta täysin edesvastuuton huithapeli.

Riimuin kirotussa hän pestautuu prinsessa Mionan henkivartijaksi, vaikka alunperin tulikin Länteistennousuun etsimään veljeään Adania. Hänen matkakassansa kuitenkin kuivuu, eikä hänellä ole muuta vaihtoehtoa kuin etsiä töitä ja kuninkaallista julistusta, joka lupaa kaksikymmentä kultarahaa tehtävästä, joka kokeneelle palkkasoturille vaikuttaa helpolta kuin heinänteko, ei voi ohittaa. 

Friday, 27 September 2024

Meet the Characters // Hahmoesittelyt osa yksi

Braenduir Chronicles is a character based series, so I thought it'd be nice to introduce the most important characters of the first book. Not all of them are main characters, but each plays their own, significant part in the story. 

The first character I present to you is Princess Miona Rofinnar. She is the youngest of the three daughters of Waldhark Rofinnar, the king of Girania, a bit of a mysterious figure because no one save for her parents and the old crown sage has ever seen her face. She's forced to wear a wig and a veil that covers the upper half of her face whenever other people are around, and the rumours about her malformation have been circling since she was first presented to the public. To make her stand out a little less, all the ladies of the court, including her mother the Queen Faina, have adobted the habit of wearing the wig and the veil. 

Miona is only thirteen years old but already betrothed to a son of one of the elven counts. She is smitten by her fiance and can barely wait to travel to Ilwn Flwthean and become his countess. To her misfortune, she isn't the most lovable of princesses. She is quick-tempered and mean, used to getting everything she happens to desire because her father rarely dares to deny anything of her, fearing she might reveal her face to the people if angered.
Koska Jumalrummussa on kyse ennen kaikkea henkilöistä, ajattelin, että olisi hyvä esitellä ensimmäisen kirjan tärkeimmät hahmot. Kaikki eivät ole päähenkilöitä, mutta jokaisella on merkittävä osa tarinassa. 

Ensimmäiseksi esittelen prinsessa Miona Rofinnarin, nuorimman Giranian kuningas Waldhark Rofinnarin kolmesta tyttärestä. Miona on mystinen hahmo siinä mielessä, ettei kukaan hänen vanhempiaan ja vanhaa kruununmyrrystä lukuun ottamatta ole koskaan nähnyt hänen kasvojaan. Hänen on pakko käyttää peruukkia ja huntua, joka kätkee hänen kasvojensa yläosan aina, kun paikalla on muita ihmisiä. Tästä johtuen hänen on juoruttu olevan epämuodostunut siitä saakka, kun hänet ensi kertaa esiteltiin kansalle. Jotta hän ei pistäisi niin pahasti ihmisten silmään, kaikki hovin naiset, kuningatar Faina mukaan lukien, ovat ottaneet tavaksi käyttää peruukkia ja huntua. 

Miona on vain 13-vuotias, mutta jo kihloissa yhden haltiakreiveistä perijän kanssa. Hän on korviaan myöten ihastunut sulhaseensa, eikä malttaisi odottaa vihkiäisiä. Epäonnekseen, Miona ei ole maailman rakastettavin prinsessa. Hän on äkkipikainen ja ilkeä sekä tottunut saamaan kaiken, mitä sattuu haluamaan, koska hänen isänsä ei usein uskalla kieltää häneltä mitään siinä pelossa, että suutuspäissään hän saattaisi paljastaa todelliset kasvonsa kansalle.

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

Short Book Reviews: Among the Pines by Matt Anderson

If the last book I reviewed wasn't my pint of mead, this one definitely is. I read Among the Pines as an E-book and loved it from the first word to the last. Among the Pines is a collection of horror fantasy short stories by Matt Anderson, a US indie author, and it's hands down one of the best books I've read. 

This might well become the shortest of my Short Book Reviews because I really don't have anything but praise to say about this work. The language is in its own league, bringing the stories to life with haunting precision and captivating richness. One rarely finds a match for it even among traditionally published books, let alone popular ones.

The author finds his inspiration in folklore, mythology, nature, and science and weaves them into a tapestry that captures you from the first thread and haunts you long after you turn your gaze away. The stories are like pictures painted with the brightest, yet darkest colours, paintings that morph from seemingly innocent scenes to nightmarish visions of chilling peculiarity. Among the Pines is one of those books that make picking up your next read insanely difficult because nothing seems good enough in comparison. 

If this isn't enough to convince you that you should give this one a chance, feel free to check the review I left on Goodreads just after I finished it.

If one must name a weakness in this work, it's the cover. Even if I didn't choose a book by its cover, many others do, and those people are likely to skip Among the Pines -to their own loss. Don't be one of them and get the book to see for yourself whether my verdict is fair or not.

Wednesday, 14 August 2024

Short Book Reviews: The Slow Regard of Silent Things

I listened to this little book by Patrick Rothfuss as an audiobook (read by the author) a couple of years ago and was blown away by its loveliness. Even though the book has no plot in the traditional sense of the word, it's definitely worth your time.

The Slow Regard of Silent Things is about Auri, one of the characters in The Kingkiller Chronicle. She lives below the University, in a world no one else knows about, dedicating her time to taking care of abandoned things.

The book is sort of sad, yet I smiled all the while listening to it. It is beautifully written, heartfelt, an all-around comforting story. A perfect book to read/listen to in bed before going to sleep.

A word of warning is required here though: if you've read The Kingkiller Chronicle and expect The Slow Regard of Silent Things to be something similar, you'll be disappointed. This book is as different from the series as a nightingale from an oriole. However, if you're looking for something simply sweet and undemanding, The Slow Regard of Silent Things should be your next read.

Sunday, 14 July 2024

Short Book Review: Deepwater Trilogy by Claire McKenna

 I listened to this trilogy as audiobooks. 

I loved the first book, Monstrous Heart. It is a touching, all-around enjoyable book. The language is rich and inspiring, and the world is intriguing. If there's a negative to this work, it is its inability to move me. Still, I was more than eager to listen to the second part, Deepwater King.

I went through almost the whole spectrum of emotions listening to the second book. Almost. Had it made me cry besides all else - the disgust, vicarious embarrassment, hatred... - it would be a five-star book for me. However, just like Monstrous Heart, Deepwater King failed to affect me deeply enough to make me shed tears. The story left me rather battered, nonetheless, and I consider that a good thing. 

Deepwater King is as beautifully written as Monstrous Heart, and the world McKenna has created, grows even gloomier in it than it is in the first book. I had high hopes for the last book in the trilogy once I'd finished this one.

Perhaps because I was expecting so much, Firetide Coast turned out a disappointment. Language-wise it's amazing, but what her deepwater husband says to Arden "Everything feels like a duty with you." perfectly encapsulates how I felt about the story. This book felt to me as if it had been written largely because the trilogy had to be finished. The plot thunders forth like a steam engine, with the emotionality and relatability of a machine, dropping the reader/listener off at the terminus with nothing except hollow puzzlement: "Was that it?".

Regardless of the nose-dive at the end, I can recommend the trilogy to everyone who enjoys dark, romantic, steampunk fantasy stories. Also, I cannot emphasize enough the exceptional beauty of McKenna's language. That alone would be a fair reason to read the Deepwater Trilogy.

Thursday, 20 June 2024

A Short Book Review: The Unwilling by Kelly Braffet

This book has haunted me since I listened to it as an audiobook a couple of years ago. The Unwilling (The Barrier Lands #1) is a disturbing and awesome description of desperation and powerlessness.

The story gripped me from the first words and held me captive until the end which I both waited for and feared the more the further the story progressed. The characters are masterly written, even a tad frightening in their realness. The impossible situation of the main characters, their pain, their fears, and their hopes that get crushed as soon as they've sprouted made me wish I could enter the book's world and do something to help the poor guys. I don't remember having felt quite so strongly about any other book I've read/listened to. I went through a range of emotions from powerless fury to heartrending desperation while listening to The Unwilling. It is one of those books that are so good that starting another book straight after finishing them is impossible because any other book feels lame compared to them.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ book without question, and I recommend it to everyone who enjoys well-written, character-based fantasy that gives the reader something to chew on and leaves a (permanent) mark. 

I regret that I haven't yet found time to read/listen to the second book in the series, The Broken Tower, but it is on top of my TBR list.

Tuesday, 11 June 2024

My One Fantasy Book // Fantasiakirjojen Valtasormus

If I were told I'd have to pick one epic fantasy book series to read for the rest of my life, I wouldn't face much difficulty choosing it. You may think I'm boring and stuck in the past, and perhaps you are right, but my choice would be The Lord of the Rings trilogy. 

LotR was one of the first high fantasy books I read in my youth, but I still remember the magic that grabbed me while reading it. I sucked in every word as if I was dying of thirst, devoured the book like a hobbit would wolf down the second breakfast after a week of starvation, and treasured it like Gollum treasures the Ring of Power. After all these years, and so many books I've read since, it remains my One Fantasy Book, the most beloved, the most precious, the one to which I cannot help comparing all other works of epic fantasy. 

It is also the one book I'm not ever going to review. Saying that a book is perfect isn't reviewing, and I don't consider myself worthy of criticising the Mother of All Fantasy Books. I am sharing my thoughts on The Lord of the Rings because it is the book that made me decide, I want to write fantasy. I had written a couple of "books" before reading LotR for the first time, but this is the story that made me choose fantasy over other genres. 

Although I don't try to write like Tolkien, I believe his influence shows in my storytelling to some extent. My language is archaic, and I sometimes get quite copious with my descriptions of nature. I try not to do the latter, but, in my opinion, obsolescent expressions work well in the type of epic fantasy I write. I call my style classic or traditional high fantasy though I don't cling to the "rules" of the traditional, "Tolkien-style" fantasy too tightly. Rules are made to be broken, after all, and I like to do things my way.

I'd love to know what's your One Fantasy Book! Comment below. If I haven't read your favourite yet, I'll put it in my TBR list!

This is my copy of The Lord of the Rings, the 30th edition of the Finnish translation (by Kersti Juva and Eila Pennanen).

Minun hyllystäni löytyy tämä vuonna 2002 julkaistu suomenkielisen laitoksen 30. painos.

Jos joutuisin luopumaan kaikista paitsi yhdestä fantasiakirjasarjasta, päätös olisi helppo. Valintani saattaa olla monen mielestä tylsä, ja ehkä onkin, mutta päätyisin silti Taruun Sormusten Herrasta. 

TSH on ensimmäisiä lapsena/nuorena lukemiani fantasiakirjoja, mutten ole unohtanut, miten se lumosi minut. Imin joka sanan kuin janoon kuoleva, ahmin teoksen kuin viikon nälkää nähnyt hobitti ahmisi toisen aamiaisen ja palvoin sitä kuin Klonkku Valtasormusta. Niin kauan kuin ensilukemisesta onkin, niin monia muita kirjoja kuin olenkin kahlannut läpi tässä matkan varrella, Taru Sormusten Herrasta on minulle edelleen fantasiakirjojen Valtasormus. Teos, jota rakastan ja arvostan enemmän kuin mitään ja johon en voi olla vertaamatta kaikkia sen jälkeen julkaistuja fantasiakirjoja. 

Se on myös teos, josta en tule koskaan julkaisemaan arvostelua. Ylistyslaulu kun ei ole arvostelu, enkä koe, että minulla olisi rahkeita kritisoida kaikkien fantasiakirjojen äitiä. Puhun TSH:sta siksi, että se on kirja, joka sai minut päättämään, että haluan kirjoittaa fantasiaa. Ennen kuin luin Sormusten Herran ensimmäistä kertaa, olin kirjoittanut pari "kirjaa", mutta tämä tarina sai minut valitsemaan fantasian kaikkien tyylilajien joukosta. 

Vaikken tietoisesti yritä kirjoittaa kuin Tolkien, hänen vaikutuksensa näkyy tekstissäni väkisinkin. Käytän melko vanhahtavaa kieltä ja minulla on tapana kuvailla luontoa ja sen ilmiöitä ajoittain varsin monisanaisesti. Jälkimmäistä yritän välttää parhaani mukaan, mutta vanhanaikainen kieli sopii minusta hyvin korkeaan fantasiaan. Kutsun omaa tyyliäni klassiseksi/perinteiseksi korkeaksi fantasiaksi siitä huolimatta, etten mitenkään orjallisesti noudata perinteisen, Tolkien-tyylisen fantasian "sääntöjä". Säännöt kun on tehty rikottaviksi ja tykkään tehdä asiat omalla tyylilläni. 

Mikä on sinulle se fantasiakirja, josta et suostuisi luopumaan? Kommentoi vastauksesi alle ja lisään suosikkisi lukulistalleni, jollen ole sitä vielä lukenut!

Monday, 10 June 2024

Welcome // Tervetuloa

Welcome, wanderer, to Aspenn Fantasy, a new blog about reading and writing (epic) fantasy books. On this blog, I'll share book reviews, opinions (most of which are unpopular), writing tips, and stuff about my epic adventure fantasy series. If you love books, follow and consider subscribing for special offers on my books!

Tervetuloa uuteen blogiini! Täältä löydät juttua fantasiakirjoista niin lukijan kuin kirjoittajankin näkökulmasta, kirja-arvosteluja ja mielipiteitä, joista suurin osa lienee sieltä epäsuositummasta päästä, ehkä jopa vinkkejä kirjoittamiseen sekä taustatietoa työnalla olevasta fantasiakirjasarjastani (korkea/seikkailufantasia). Jos olet kirjaihminen, seuraa ja liity tilaajaksi! Tilaajille luvassa erikoistarjouksia kirjoistani.