Sunday, 14 July 2024

Short Book Review: Deepwater Trilogy by Claire McKenna

 I listened to this trilogy as audiobooks. 

I loved the first book, Monstrous Heart. It is a touching, all-around enjoyable book. The language is rich and inspiring, and the world is intriguing. If there's a negative to this work, it is its inability to move me. Still, I was more than eager to listen to the second part, Deepwater King.

I went through almost the whole spectrum of emotions listening to the second book. Almost. Had it made me cry besides all else - the disgust, vicarious embarrassment, hatred... - it would be a five-star book for me. However, just like Monstrous Heart, Deepwater King failed to affect me deeply enough to make me shed tears. The story left me rather battered, nonetheless, and I consider that a good thing. 

Deepwater King is as beautifully written as Monstrous Heart, and the world McKenna has created, grows even gloomier in it than it is in the first book. I had high hopes for the last book in the trilogy once I'd finished this one.

Perhaps because I was expecting so much, Firetide Coast turned out a disappointment. Language-wise it's amazing, but what her deepwater husband says to Arden "Everything feels like a duty with you." perfectly encapsulates how I felt about the story. This book felt to me as if it had been written largely because the trilogy had to be finished. The plot thunders forth like a steam engine, with the emotionality and relatability of a machine, dropping the reader/listener off at the terminus with nothing except hollow puzzlement: "Was that it?".

Regardless of the nose-dive at the end, I can recommend the trilogy to everyone who enjoys dark, romantic, steampunk fantasy stories. Also, I cannot emphasize enough the exceptional beauty of McKenna's language. That alone would be a fair reason to read the Deepwater Trilogy.

Thursday, 20 June 2024

A Short Book Review: The Unwilling by Kelly Braffet

This book has haunted me since I listened to it as an audiobook a couple of years ago. The Unwilling (The Barrier Lands #1) is a disturbing and awesome description of desperation and powerlessness.

The story gripped me from the first words and held me captive until the end which I both waited for and feared the more the further the story progressed. The characters are masterly written, even a tad frightening in their realness. The impossible situation of the main characters, their pain, their fears, and their hopes that get crushed as soon as they've sprouted made me wish I could enter the book's world and do something to help the poor guys. I don't remember having felt quite so strongly about any other book I've read/listened to. I went through a range of emotions from powerless fury to heartrending desperation while listening to The Unwilling. It is one of those books that are so good that starting another book straight after finishing them is impossible because any other book feels lame compared to them.

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ book without question, and I recommend it to everyone who enjoys well-written, character-based fantasy that gives the reader something to chew on and leaves a (permanent) mark. 

I regret that I haven't yet found time to read/listen to the second book in the series, The Broken Tower, but it is on top of my TBR list.

Tuesday, 11 June 2024

My One Fantasy Book // Fantasiakirjojen Valtasormus

If I were told I'd have to pick one epic fantasy book series to read for the rest of my life, I wouldn't face much difficulty choosing it. You may think I'm boring and stuck in the past, and perhaps you are right, but my choice would be The Lord of the Rings trilogy. 

LotR was one of the first high fantasy books I read in my youth, but I still remember the magic that grabbed me while reading it. I sucked in every word as if I was dying of thirst, devoured the book like a hobbit would wolf down the second breakfast after a week of starvation, and treasured it like Gollum treasures the Ring of Power. After all these years, and so many books I've read since, it remains my One Fantasy Book, the most beloved, the most precious, the one to which I cannot help comparing all other works of epic fantasy. 

It is also the one book I'm not ever going to review. Saying that a book is perfect isn't reviewing, and I don't consider myself worthy of criticising the Mother of All Fantasy Books. I am sharing my thoughts on The Lord of the Rings because it is the book that made me decide, I want to write fantasy. I had written a couple of "books" before reading LotR for the first time, but this is the story that made me choose fantasy over other genres. 

Although I don't try to write like Tolkien, I believe his influence shows in my storytelling to some extent. My language is archaic, and I sometimes get quite copious with my descriptions of nature. I try not to do the latter, but, in my opinion, obsolescent expressions work well in the type of epic fantasy I write. I call my style classic or traditional high fantasy though I don't cling to the "rules" of the traditional, "Tolkien-style" fantasy too tightly. Rules are made to be broken, after all, and I like to do things my way.

I'd love to know what's your One Fantasy Book! Comment below. If I haven't read your favourite yet, I'll put it in my TBR list!

This is my copy of The Lord of the Rings, the 30th edition of the Finnish translation (by Kersti Juva and Eila Pennanen).

Minun hyllystäni löytyy tämä vuonna 2002 julkaistu suomenkielisen laitoksen 30. painos.

Jos joutuisin luopumaan kaikista paitsi yhdestä fantasiakirjasarjasta, päätös olisi helppo. Valintani saattaa olla monen mielestä tylsä, ja ehkä onkin, mutta päätyisin silti Taruun Sormusten Herrasta. 

TSH on ensimmäisiä lapsena/nuorena lukemiani fantasiakirjoja, mutten ole unohtanut, miten se lumosi minut. Imin joka sanan kuin janoon kuoleva, ahmin teoksen kuin viikon nälkää nähnyt hobitti ahmisi toisen aamiaisen ja palvoin sitä kuin Klonkku Valtasormusta. Niin kauan kuin ensilukemisesta onkin, niin monia muita kirjoja kuin olenkin kahlannut läpi tässä matkan varrella, Taru Sormusten Herrasta on minulle edelleen fantasiakirjojen Valtasormus. Teos, jota rakastan ja arvostan enemmän kuin mitään ja johon en voi olla vertaamatta kaikkia sen jälkeen julkaistuja fantasiakirjoja. 

Se on myös teos, josta en tule koskaan julkaisemaan arvostelua. Ylistyslaulu kun ei ole arvostelu, enkä koe, että minulla olisi rahkeita kritisoida kaikkien fantasiakirjojen äitiä. Puhun TSH:sta siksi, että se on kirja, joka sai minut päättämään, että haluan kirjoittaa fantasiaa. Ennen kuin luin Sormusten Herran ensimmäistä kertaa, olin kirjoittanut pari "kirjaa", mutta tämä tarina sai minut valitsemaan fantasian kaikkien tyylilajien joukosta. 

Vaikken tietoisesti yritä kirjoittaa kuin Tolkien, hänen vaikutuksensa näkyy tekstissäni väkisinkin. Käytän melko vanhahtavaa kieltä ja minulla on tapana kuvailla luontoa ja sen ilmiöitä ajoittain varsin monisanaisesti. Jälkimmäistä yritän välttää parhaani mukaan, mutta vanhanaikainen kieli sopii minusta hyvin korkeaan fantasiaan. Kutsun omaa tyyliäni klassiseksi/perinteiseksi korkeaksi fantasiaksi siitä huolimatta, etten mitenkään orjallisesti noudata perinteisen, Tolkien-tyylisen fantasian "sääntöjä". Säännöt kun on tehty rikottaviksi ja tykkään tehdä asiat omalla tyylilläni. 

Mikä on sinulle se fantasiakirja, josta et suostuisi luopumaan? Kommentoi vastauksesi alle ja lisään suosikkisi lukulistalleni, jollen ole sitä vielä lukenut!

Monday, 10 June 2024

Welcome // Tervetuloa

Welcome, wanderer, to Aspenn Fantasy, a new blog about reading and writing (epic) fantasy books. On this blog, I'll share book reviews, opinions (most of which are unpopular), writing tips, and stuff about my epic adventure fantasy series. If you love books, follow and consider subscribing for special offers on my books!

Tervetuloa uuteen blogiini! Täältä löydät juttua fantasiakirjoista niin lukijan kuin kirjoittajankin näkökulmasta, kirja-arvosteluja ja mielipiteitä, joista suurin osa lienee sieltä epäsuositummasta päästä, ehkä jopa vinkkejä kirjoittamiseen sekä taustatietoa työnalla olevasta fantasiakirjasarjastani (korkea/seikkailufantasia). Jos olet kirjaihminen, seuraa ja liity tilaajaksi! Tilaajille luvassa erikoistarjouksia kirjoistani.